The Analytics menu provides the following options:
Ocean Analytics: View high level metrics into overall ocean shipping operations focused on volumes, lane transit times, carrier performance, rolls, dwell time, and detention and demurrage costs.
Port Intel: Monitor port congestion around the world by getting intelligence on dwell time, vessel counts, both in real-time and historically.
Sustainability: View a variety of data regarding the Metric Tons of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (MTCO2E) that have been emitted by delivered containers as well as the Emissions Intensity Factor of different carriers.
Truckload Analytics: View performance (volume, tracking %, On-Time Performance/On-Time Delivery) and tracking metrics (volume, tracking %, ping frequency, milestone completeness) by carrier or lane.
LTL Analytics: View performance (volume, tracking %, On-Time Performance/On-Time Delivery) and tracking metrics (volume, tracking %, ping frequency, milestone completeness) by carrier or lane.