To view Lane Performance, in Ocean Analytics click the Lanes tab.
The goal of the Lanes tab is to help managers and analysts monitor transit times on core lanes and routes and use this information to improve product availability by determining order points, planning future shipments, and adjusting routes and/or carriers based on reliability.
The table below contains descriptions of the charts and sections.
Chart/Section |
Description |
1. Route Details |
Each row is a Lane (a POL and POD pairing). When you click a row, it expands the row below and shows each ROUTE on that lane. While a lane is an origin and destination, most vessels make other stops along the way or visit a transshipment port. Each intermediate stop affects the total transit time, which is why it's important we show each route even if the lane is the same. Metrics:
To download a .CSV file containing all the route details, click the Export button in the upper-right corner of the section. |
2. Aggregated Route Performance |
This graph shows the range of transit times over time, for a selected set of lanes or routes from the table.
This graph is shown by default. It is one of two selections in the drop-down list. The other selection is Route Comparison. |
3. Route Comparison |
This graph enables you to compare the transit times of multiple routes on the same lane, for a selected set of routes.