Open the Network Health Filters Panel - FTL
To open the Network Health Filters panel for FTL, on the Network Health page with the FTL tab displayed click the Filter button.
The Filters panel appears.
From here you can filter the list of carriers by a wide range of criteria.
Group Report By: The choices are Carrier, Lane - City to City, or Lane - State to State.
Carrier Name: The name of the Carrier from your list of carriers. This field is searchable.
Carrier Identifier Selection: The choices are P44 CARRIER ID , SCAC, DOT, or MC.
NOTE: If a carrier does not have a particular carrier identifier, they are not displayed in the table.
Current Period Selection: Select the period of time to filter the carrier data. You can select a date range on the calendar or: Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, This Month, or Last Month.
Custom Milestone Selection: Filter carriers by specific milestones. Can select one or more of the following: Arrival Origin, Arrival Destination, Departure Origin, and Departure Destination. By default all four are selected.
Show Carrier: If set to Carrier Name Hidden, all carriers except for the selected carrier are not shown in the export and table view. Should be used in combination with Carrier Shown if Anonymized List.
Carrier Shown if Anonymized List: To select a specific carrier to remain visible, if the Show Carrier filter is selected. This is so that you can email a specific carrier and they can see their metrics but no one else's.
Shipment Tracking Type: The type of integration used to track a shipment.
API Pull: API-based tracking.
APP: Driveview app.
NONE: No integration.
TELEMATICS: Telematics/ELD tracking.
Primary Data Source: Select one or more data sources. This field is searchable.
Show Volume: Select whether to show or hide the Created Volume. If set to Created Volume Hidden, the Created Volume is not shown in the export and table view.
Click Apply Filters to sort the list by the selected criteria.
Click Clear All to remove all selections.
Click the X to close the Network Filters panel.