To open the Directory page, in the Network menu in the sidebar click Directory.
This page displays a list of your carriers and their connections. The table displays the following information:
Carrier: Name of the carrier and identifier (DOT, VAT, SCAC, MC).
Tracking Status: Current status of shipment tracking.
Connected: One or more of the methods a carrier is connected to you is Connected.
Not Connected: One or more of the methods carriers is connected to you is No Tracked Shipments AND there are no methods with a Connected status. This means we cannot confirm completely that you are connected to this carrier.
No Tracked Shipments: The carrier has no Connected or No Tracked Shipment connection methods to you.
Connections to you: Methods used to connect to your company: API Push, API Pull, Mobile, Telematics.
Connections to project44: Methods used to connect to project44: API Push, API Pull, Mobile, Telematics.
Last Shipment Tracked: The day, month, and year of the last tracked shipment and the method used to track that shipment.
Actions: Recommended action based on the current status of the carrier. Clicking the Invite Carrier button opens the Network Management Center (NMC) where you can invite a carrier to your network. Clicking the View RCA button opens the Truckload Tracking and Root Cause Analysis page.
Download the Carrier List
To download the table data in .CSV format, click the Export button in the upper-right corner of the screen. The filed is downloaded to your computer.
View Connection Details
To view the connection details of a carrier, click the row for the carrier. The details panel appears displaying the Tracking Configuration, Transportation IDs, and System IDs. Buttons for Invite Carrier or View RCA appear as the suggested actions, if needed.