Edit a Location
To edit a location,
On the Locations Details page click the EDIT button.
The Edit Location page appears.
The following fields can be edited.
UNIT: Unit, Apartment, Suite, #, Building, Office, Penthouse
DAY: The hours of the day the location is open. When the [Day]Closed box is checked the hours fields are grayed-out and can not be edited.
CONTACT NAME: Lists the name, phone number, and email address of the contact person. Can be deleted by clicking the X on the right of the row. To add a contact, click ADD A CONTACT.
Click the EDIT GEOFENCE button on the map to edit the boundaries of the geofence.
The Geofence Setup page opens, where you can adjust the geofence by radius (miles or kilometers) or time (minutes to the location).
To adjust the geofence by radius around the location,
For GEOFENCE TYPE, select Radius.
Select Meters or Miles.
Enter the radius length.
To adjust the geofence by time from the location,
For GEOFENCE TYPE, select Time-based.
Enter number of Minutes.
To adjust the geofence using Custom, you are asked to draw a customized polygon shape that best represents the actual boundary of the facility. In order to create a new coordinate on the boundary, simply hover your mouse over the intended point, and click. The tool automatically connects the newest coordinate with the previously created coordinate with a blue line. There is no limit to the number of coordinates that you can insert in order to create your custom shape. When your shape is complete, you click FINISH SHAPE, which automatically finishwa the polygon for you.
Click SAVE.
To discard any changes, click CANCEL.