Root Cause Analysis - Ocean
This page displays Ocean shipment creation and tracking data, and the reasons for failures. By default, Creation Issues are displayed when Ocean is selected from the Root Cause Analysis Views menu.
Creation Issues
By default the data shown are affected shipments by Carrier. Select Causes from the View by drop-down list to view the affected shipments by Cause.
The By Carrier view shows:
Total Bookings: The total number of bookings.
Creation Percentage: Ratio of successfully created bookings to the total number of attempts, expressed as a percentage.
Affected Bookings: Total number of affected bookings.
The By Causes view shows:
Root Causes: The root cause error affecting the bookings.
Affected Bookings: Number of affected bookings.
Each view also provides a download button in each row to export the data for that carrier/cause to a .XLSX file, and a View Details button to view the recommended action.
Tracking Issues
To view FTL tracking data, click the Tracking Issues tab.
By default the data shown are affected shipments by Carrier. Select Causes from the View by drop-down list to view the affected shipments.
The table in the By Carrier view contains a list of the carriers, their Root Cause Errors, Connection Status, Total Bookings, Tracked Percentage, Affected Bookings, a download button to export the data for that carrier to a .XLSX file, and a View Details button.
Recommended Action
The purpose of Recommended Actions are to enable you to fix the tracking issues in order to increase the total tracking percentages. To view the recommended action for improving the tracking percentage for a particular carrier, click the View Details button in the row of the carrier or cause. The Recommended Action window appears.
The action recommended is specific to the tracking issue(s).
Ocean Trends
Click the Trends tab to view the trends in Ocean Shipments.
The Trends page displays the following information.
Shipment Events: Shows the total number of Shipments sent to project44, the total number and percentage of Shipments Created, he total number and percentage of Shipments failed to Create, the total number and percentage of Shipments Tracked, and the total number and percentage of Shipments Untracked.
Shipment Events over Time: Bar graph that shows the percentages of Shipments Tracked and Shipments Untracked over a period of time.
Root Cause Errors over Time: Table listing the top Root Cause Errors for the current selected period (via the Filters panel), the number of Shipments affected, and the Percentage Volume. The graph next to the table displays the Volume of Affected Shipments for each week.
Click a radio button in the table next to a Root Cause Error to see the volume highlighted in the graph. Switch the views in the graph from Creation to Tracking by clicking the corresponding tab above the graph.
To view a list of the Root Cause Errors and the recommended actions refer to Ocean Shipment Creation Errors and Recommended Actions and Ocean Shipment Tracking Errors and Recommended Actions.