View the Health of Your Ocean Network
Click the Ocean tab on the Network Health page to view the health of your Ocean network.
Only completed shipments are shown.
Carrier Data Quality Comparison Dashboard
The Carrier Data Quality Dashboard shows up to three of the highest and lowest performing carriers based on Data Availability, Total Milestone Completeness, and Latency under 12 Hours.
To add carriers to the comparison, click the Add Carrier drop-down list. This field is searchable and multiple carriers can be selected at the same time.
To remove a carrier from the comparison, click the Trash Can button at the end of the carrier row. You can only remove carriers that you have added.
You can toggle the High Performer and Low Performer comparisons On and Off by clicking the toggle switch.
Comparison Matrix
The Comparison Matrix provides a graph of the carrier network performance against any two data quality metrics.
The metrics can be selected from the drop-down menu.
Availability x Completeness (default)
Completeness x Latency
Availability x Latency
Hover the cursor over the carrier names on the left or the plotted points on the graph to view details about the specific carrier metrics. You can zoom into the graph to closely inspect specific carriers if required (and then zoom out).
Carrier Data Quality Table
The table lists your carriers and the following information for each.
Connection Status: Primary connection type being used to collect data from the carrier.
Total No. of Bookings: The total number of bookings.
Data Availability: Percentage of bookings with at least one tracked milestone.
Trend: Percentage point shift in Data Availability over the selected timeframe relative to the immediately preceding equivalent duration.
Shipments: The total number of shipments.
Total Milestone Completeness: The total percentage of the port-to-port and empty milestones received relative to the expected total.
Milestone Completeness Trend: Percentage point shift in Milestone Completeness over the selected timeframe relative to the immediately preceding equivalent duration.
Under 12h Latency: The percentage of milestone events reported by the carrier within the specified time period after the occurrence of the event.
Under 12h Latency Trend: Percentage point shift in Under 12h Latency.
Action: Click the View RCA button to open the Ocean Data Issues page in a new browser window to view the data issues for that carrier.
When the mouse cursor hovers over the name of a carrier in the table, a pop-up window appears.
Click View RCA to view a list of the errors and recommended actions for the problem shipments with that carrier.
Open the Milestone Breakdown Window
To open the Milestone Breakdown window, in the total Milestone Completeness column, click the Expand button.
The table displays more detailed milestone data; Total Number of Shipments, Container Empty Pickup, Container Gate In, Container Load Event, Vessel Departed, Vessel Arrived, Container Discharged, and Gate Out.
You can view the Total Shipments or Completed Shipments, by clicking the respective tab. Search for particular carriers by using the Search field.
To export the data from this table, click the Export button. You can export the data in XLS or CSV format.
Open the Latency Breakdown Window
To open the Latency Breakdown window, in the Latency column, click the Expand button.
The table displays a detailed breakdown of latency by carrier; from under 6 hours, under 12 hours, under 24 hours, between 24 and 48, between 48 and 72 hours, and above 72 hours.
You can view the Total Shipments or Completed Shipments, by clicking the respective tab. Search for particular carriers by using the Search field.
To export the data from this table, click the Export button. You can export the data in XLS or CSV format.