June 14, 2024 Movement Release Notes
Here is what's new to Movement this month.
Users Impacted: All Users
Mode: Ocean
Update Summary: The Carrier Data Quality Comparison dashboard shows up to three of the highest and lowest performing carriers in your Ocean network based on Data Availability, Total Milestone Completeness, and Latency under 12 hours. You can also add carriers to the comparison (and remove them).
Supporting Documentation: View the Health of Your Ocean Network
Users Impacted: All Users
Mode: Ocean
Update Summary: When viewing the Carrier Data Quality table in the Ocean Network Health tab, hover the cursor over a carrier name to open a pop-up menu that highlights performance data. Click View RCA to view a list of the RCA errors and recommended actions for that carrier.
Supporting Documentation: View the Health of Your Ocean Network
Users Impacted: All Users
Modes: FTL and Ocean
Update Summary: The network RCA errors and recommended actions have been updated and re-organized for improved clarity and consistency.
Supporting Documentation: