Open the Filters Panel
In addition to the Quick Filter buttons, there are more detailed filters available in the Filters and Columns panel that can be used to sort the Shipments List. To open the Filters panel, click the More Filters button.
You can choose the following filters.
Mode of Shipment: The mode of transport for the shipment anywhere along the route.
Status: Along with the current status, all of the different statuses a shipment has been in within the last 90 days.
Routes: The locations along the route of a shipment.
Milestones: The events for a shipment (for example, Arrival, Departure, Gate In Full, Out for Delivery, etc.).
Exceptions: Filter shipments at risk of demurrage or detention.
Connectivity: The Connectivity status for Truckload shipments.
Identifier Type: Shipment identifiers such as Waybill, Bill of Lading, Container ID, Booking Number, etc.).
Related Entities: Order Identifiers (Purchase Order, Sales Order, etc.), Order Reference Keys, or Load Items (SKU, UPC).
As a filter is selected, the list automatically changes to reflect the chosen criteria.
Click the X to close the filter.
Click Add Filter to add another filter criteria.
Click Clear All to remove all selections.
Click the Save View button to save a filtered view for future use. For more information refer to Manage Filtered Views.
Click the Close button to close the Filters and Columns panel.