DriveView - Driver Onboarding Process Incomplete on DriveView App
Issue: The driver has not completed the necessary onboarding process required for installing and using the DriveView App for shipment tracking.
Recommended Action:
Kindly request the driver to finalize the installation setup of the DriveView app and to accept the terms and conditions.
Additionally, you are requested to remind the driver to grant full location access on their device to ensure the proper tracking functionality of DriveView.
project44 recommends sharing the DriveView User Guide with the drivers for installation troubleshooting support.
If the problem persists or if you need additional help, kindly reach out to project44 support via this link and raise a "Support Request" ticket for assistance in resolving the matter.
DriveView - Shipment Not Loaded in DriveView App
Issue: The driver has successfully installed the DriveView app in the past, and we have validated the phone number provided. However, the driver has not opened the app, which is necessary for loading the shipment.
Recommended Action:
To ensure successful tracking, it is necessary that the driver opens the DriveView app at least once following a shipment assignment, as this action is required to load the shipment.
If the DriveView app has been deleted from the driver's device, they will need to go through the sign-up process and reinstall it.
It is also possible that the driver's device has incorrect permissions, which could be preventing the proper functioning of the app.
project44 recommends sharing the DriveView User Guide with the drivers for installation troubleshooting support.
If the problem persists or if you need additional help, kindly reach out to project44 support via this link and raise a "Support Request" ticket for assistance in resolving the matter.
DriveView - Driver Provided Insufficient Location Access
Issue: The driver has granted the DriveView app with location access only when the app is being used, which is insufficient for shipment tracking purposes. Full location access is necessary, even when the app is not being actively used, to ensure accurate shipment tracking.
Recommended Action:
Please kindly remind the driver to grant full location access on their device for DriveView app.
project44 recommends sharing the DriveView User Guide with the drivers for installation troubleshooting support.
If the problem persists or if you need additional help, kindly reach out to project44 support via this link and raise a "Support Request" ticket for assistance in resolving the matter.
No Vehicle Found for Given Equipment Identifier and DriveView Tracking Unsuccessful
Issue: project44 was unable to validate the given equipment identifier as we did not find a registered vehicle associated with it. Additionally, the attempt to track the shipment using the DriveView app also failed.
Recommended Action:
Please verify with the carrier that the provided equipment identifier or vehicle identifier is accurate.
If you would like to incorporate equipment identifier validation during shipment creation process, please contact your Customer Success Manager or reach out to project44 support via this link and raise a "Support Request" ticket for assistance in resolving the matter.
Additionally, if you intend to track the shipment using DriveView, kindly request the driver to complete the installation setup of the app.
DriveView - VoIP Phone Number Assigned to Shipment
Issue: A VoIP phone number was assigned for initiating shipments. However, it is important to note that not all VoIP providers support SMS services, potentially resulting in drivers not receiving shipment notifications.
Recommended Action:
Request that the driver provides project44 with a non-VoIP phone number for shipment notifications. Alternatively, they can provide a VoIP phone number that supports SMS services.
Additionally, you are kindly requested to educate the driver about the importance of using a non-VoIP number for efficient shipment tracking performance.
If the problem persists or if you need additional help, kindly reach out to project44 support via this link and raise a "Support Request" ticket for assistance in resolving the matter.
DriveView - Failed to Send Shipment Invite SMS for App Installation
Issue: project44 encountered an error while attempting to send a shipment invitation SMS for installing DriveView on the provided phone number.
Recommended Action:
You are requested to ensure that the provided phone number is valid and currently active. Additionally, kindly validate if the phone number provided is from a supported geographic region.
Please instruct the driver through an alternate communication method to install and set up the DriveView app for shipment tracking services.
project44 recommends sharing the DriveView User Guide with the drivers for installation troubleshooting support.
If the problem persists or if you need additional help, kindly reach out to project44 support via this link and raise a "Support Request" ticket for assistance in resolving the matter.
DriveView - Invalid Phone Number Assigned to Shipment
Issue: The shipment was assigned an invalid phone number as its equipment identifier. It is essential to set a valid mobile number, including the '+' sign and country code, to be able to track via the DriveView app.
Recommended Action:
You are requested to ensure that the phone number used for the shipment correctly corresponds to the driver who will be carrying the shipment and is including the '+' sign and country code.
If the problem persists or if you need additional help, kindly reach out to project44 support via this link and raise a "Support Request" ticket for assistance in resolving the matter.
DriveView - Driver Declined Terms and Conditions for App Installation
Issue: The driver has declined the terms and conditions necessary for the installation and the usage of the DriveView app.
Recommended Action:
Kindly request the driver to finalize the setup of the DriveView app by accepting the terms and conditions.
project44 recommends sharing the DriveView User Guide with the drivers for installation troubleshooting support.
If you need additional help for the terms and conditions, kindly reach out to project44 support via this link and raise a "Support Request" ticket for assistance in resolving the matter.
DriveView - Driver Unsubscribed from SMS Notifications
Issue: The driver has unsubscribed from SMS notifications from project44 on their device, which means they are unable to receive shipment invitations or verification codes for the DriveView app installation process.
Recommended Action:
Kindly request the driver to re-enable the SMS notifications by sending an SMS with the text "CONTINUE" to the provided contact number from project44.
Please instruct the driver through an alternate communication method to install and set up the DriveView app for shipment tracking services.
project44 recommends sharing the DriveView User Guide with the drivers for installation troubleshooting support.
If you need additional help for the terms and conditions, kindly reach out to project44 support via this link and raise a "Support Request" ticket for assistance in resolving the matter.
DriveView - Driver Denied Location Access
Issue: The driver has not granted location access to the DriveView app. Full location access is necessary, even when the app is not being actively used, to ensure accurate shipment tracking.
Recommended Action:
Please kindly remind the driver to grant full location access on their device for DriveView app.
project44 recommends sharing the DriveView User Guide with the drivers for installation troubleshooting support.
If the problem persists or if you need additional help, kindly reach out to project44 support via this link and raise a "Support Request" ticket for assistance in resolving the matter.
DriveView - Tracking Unsuccessful
Issue: No tracking data has been received for the DriveView shipment based on the shipment identifiers provided.
Recommended Action: If you notice that this issue is continuously affecting a significant number of your shipments over an extended time period, kindly reach out to project44 support via this link and raise a "Support Request" ticket for assistance in resolving the matter.
DriveView - Unknown Error
Issue: The cause of this error is yet to be determined by project44, but the team remains proactive in regularly introducing new root causes.
Recommended Action: If you notice that this issue is continuously affecting a significant number of your shipments over an extended time period, kindly reach out to project44 support via this link and raise a "Support Request" ticket for assistance in resolving the matter.
DriveView - Driver Provided Invalid Confirmation Code
Issue: Despite multiple attempts, the driver has entered an incorrect verification code into the DriveView app while verifying their phone number.
Recommended Action:
Kindly instruct the driver to request a new verification code via the DriveView app to proceed with the installation setup.
project44 recommends sharing the DriveView User Guide with the drivers for installation troubleshooting support.
DriveView - Failed to Send Onboarding Verification Code SMS
Issue: Drivers are required to enter a verification code to confirm their phone number during the installation setup of the DriveView app. In this case, project44 could not send the verification code SMS to the provided phone number.
Recommended Action:
You are requested to ensure that the phone number used for the shipment is valid and it corresponds to the driver who will be carrying the shipment. Additionally, please verify that the phone number includes the '+' sign and country code.
If the driver has unsubscribed from SMS notifications, kindly request them to re-enable the SMS notifications by sending an SMS with the text "CONTINUE" to the provided contact number from project44.
If the above steps have been taken, kindly instruct the driver to request a new verification code via the DriveView app to proceed with the installation setup.
project44 recommends sharing the DriveView User Guide with the drivers for installation troubleshooting support.
DriveView - Driver Provided Expired Confirmation Code
Issue: The driver has entered an expired verification code into the DriveView app while verifying their phone number.
Recommended Action:
Kindly instruct the driver to request a new verification code via the DriveView app to proceed with the installation setup.
project44 recommends sharing the DriveView User Guide with the drivers for installation troubleshooting support.
DriveView - Driver Denied Load Assignment
Issue: The driver manually rejected the shipment by clicking the "Not my load" button on the DriveView app.
Recommended Action:
If you believe that this action was performed in error by the driver, the shipment must be deleted, and a new one must be created for further tracking.
If you believe that this action was correct, you are requested set a new mobile phone number as the equipment identifier for this shipment.