Rail Tracking FAQ
How do I start tracking for a rail shipment?
Use the POST: Initialize a shipment for tracking endpoint. You will need to pass exactly one equipment identifier: CONTAINER_ID, TRAILER_ID, or RAIL_CAR_ID. You will also need to include a shipment identifier (e.g. BILL_OF_LADING or WAYBILL) and/or the trackingStartDateTime. Formatting for trackingStartDateTime needs to be = 2021-06-09T00:00:00Z.
For more information on initializing a shipment with project44’s API, see the POST: Initialize a shipment for tracking section in the Developer Portal of the VOC.
How long does a shipment track for?
Tracking will start from the trackingStartDateTime set in the POST request. This should be set to the time when your shipment has been loaded into the container or rail car. The trackingStartDateTime cannot be more than 60 days in the past or 60 days in the future. If in the past, tracking data will be collected from the point of shipment initialization, forward. If in the future, tracking will wait until the trackingStartDateTime before data collection is attempted. The trackingStartDateTime must be before the issued date for the Waybill.
project44 will track until the Waybill changes.
What is the ID returned in the shipment confirmation, and do I need to store it?
After you initialize the rail shipment through the POST: Initialize a shipment for tracking endpoint, you will receive a response that confirms shipment creation. Within this response, you will get multiple IDs for the shipment:
- shipmentIdentifier (BILL_OF_LADING or WAYBILL)
- equipmentIdentifier (CONTAINER_ID, TRAILER_ID, or RAIL_CAR_ID)
- railLegId - Identifies the leg of the journey. Each piece of equipment has a unique id for each mode that it travels on.This id may be used in subsequent API calls to reference this shipment leg.
- id - The project44-generated id for the rail shipment. This may not be provided when creating a shipment, but will always be returned in the shipment confirmation. This id may be used in subsequent API calls to reference a shipment.
- masterShipmentId - This id links 1 or more legs as part of the same overall shipment. For intermodal shipments, pass an existing masterShipmentId to link this rail leg to the overall master shipment. Otherwise pass any valid new UUID to create a new shipment. If no masterShipmentId is passed on POST request a new UUID will be generated. This value will always be returned on all responses.
Response: 201 Created
"shipment": {
"shipmentIdentifiers": [...],
"equipmentIdentifiers": [...],
"shipmentStops": [...],
"railLegId": "string",
"trackingStartDateTime": "string",
"id": {{PROJECT44-GENERATED_ID}} "integer",
"masterShipmentId": "string"
"infoMessages": [...]
You will need the project44 ID to delete a rail shipment. It can also be used to PULL a shipment status update with the GET: Get a shipment status by system id endpoint. For intermodal
The masterShipmentID is needed for visibility into intermodal moves for an entire shipment. After the first leg of the shipment is initialized through the POST call to the corresponding API, a mastershipmentID is generated for that shipment. Including it in the POST to the second leg API will stitch together the moves in the shipment details page of the VOC.
How do I PULL tracking updates for a rail shipment?
Use one of the following API requests:
- GET: Get a shipment status by shipment identifier - This endpoint requires a shipment identifier (WAYBILL or BILL_OF_LADING) to PULL rail shipment status.
- GET: Get a shipment status by system id - This endpoint requires the project44-generated ID (returned in the shipment confirmation) to PULL rail shipment status.
How do I delete a rail shipment?
Use the DELETE: Delete a shipment by system id endpoint. You will need the project44-generated ID (returned in the shipment confirmation) to delete the rail shipment.
Do I need to include stop information to initialize a rail shipment through project44’s API?
You do not need to include stop information to initialize a rail shipment through project44’s API. You will be able to see stop information in the VOC once the shipment has started.
Why am I not seeing stops for a rail shipment in the VOC?
If you did not submit stop information when initializing the rail shipment, you will not see stops in the VOC until the shipment starts.
If you would like to see stop information in the VOC before the shipment starts, include the stop information in the shipment initialization request (POST: Initialize a shipment for tracking). If you want to see stop information in the VOC before the rail shipment has started, then you need to add the shipment stops when you initialize the shipment. project44 will update the stops once the shipment starts to reflect the most precise stop location (e.g. if you have “Port of Long Beach” as a stop, project44 can update this to be “Port of Long Beach, Terminal C” once that information becomes available).
How do I get rail shipment information sent to me?
PUSH tracking webhooks are preconfigured at the tenant level for rail shipments. Please reach out to your project44 implementation team to set up basic authentication of your webhook if you have not already done so and would like to use PUSH tracking.
Why do I need to file a Letter of Authorization?
Waybills contain some security sensitive information. Only the railroad and parties listed on the Waybill are allowed to see it. By default, those not listed on the Waybill (e.g. project44) are not allowed to see the information. For our API to view the data on your Waybill, you will need to file a Letter of Authorization (LOA) allowing project44 access to that data.
Why is my rail shipment not tracking?
Potential Reason 1: The BOL or Waybill do not match what Our third party data provider is returning.
Solution: Work with the project44 support team to ensure the BOL or Waybill you are using matches what it being returned by Our third party data provider.
Potential Reason 2: The startTrackingDateTime is after the issue date for the Waybill.
Solution: The startTrackingDateTime must be before the issued date for the Waybill. We recommend that the customer pass the date that they took possession of the equipment.
Potential Reason 3: It is too early (before the trackingStartDateTime).
Solution: The shipment will not be tracked before the trackingStartDateTime. The car may still be on another trip, and therefore will not be tracking for your shipment until its current shipment is completed.
If you checked each of these but are still not receiving tracking updates for your rail shipment, contact project44 support.
Why am I not getting a car location message (CLM)?
Potential Reason: There could be an issue with the billing party or information on the Waybill.
Solution: Contact project44 support.
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