Add New Shipment Subscriptions - CTT Platform Upload Method
To monitor a shipment for tracking in project44's Container Tracking Platform, you must first create a shipment subscription. This article walks you through those steps.
Required Data
Minimum Information Required
- Name of the booked Carrier.
At least one shipment reference number (+ Container Number): Master Bill of Lading or Booking Number. We recommend tracking by BL + Container Number for best results.
- To correctly identify your shipment and provide you access to the best quality data for that shipment, track shipments by Bills of Lading (BL) or Booking Numbers (BN). To avoid duplicates in your account, use one reference number type (either BL or BN) for all subscriptions you create.
Additional, Optional Data Fields
- Subscription Description. For example, a freight forwarder reference number or an internal shipment ID.
- Tags. Tags are recurring labels linked to your shipment. Use tags to sort shipments and filter dashboards by certain criteria such as freight forwarder, customer group, or shipment type.
- Contracted ETA date. The contracted ETA date at the Port of Discharge or the Final Destination, as confirmed to you at the time of booking. This information can provide additional on-time performance analysis.
To manually subscribe a shipment so it can be tracked within project44's Container Tracking Platform,
- Log in to the CTT Platform. If you have access to several sub-accounts, select the sub-account you want to add new shipments to.
- Click Add Subscription in the menu bar. You will be directed to the shipment upload view. Here, you can subscribe shipments for tracking by Carrier BL, Booking Number, or Container Number.
- Enter the shipment information including
- The booked Carrier.
- The reference type (Carrier BL, Booking Number, or Container Number) and value.
- To correctly identify your shipment and provide you access to the best quality data for that shipment, track shipments by Bills of Lading (BL) or Booking Numbers (BN). To avoid duplicates in your account, use one reference number type (either BL or BN) for all subscriptions you create.
- Any additional information. All optional information fields can also be added after the shipment is initialized.
- Click Add.
- The subscription has been created and the shipment has been submitted for tracking.
You can find the created subscription in the subscription list. It will have the assigned status of new. The subscription status will be updated when the booked Carrier provides the first status update for the shipment.