Manage Subscriptions: Archive, Edit, and Cancel Multiple Subscriptions
About Managing Subscriptions
From the Subscription Directory, you can archive, edit, or cancel one or multiple subscriptions.
To archive or cancel a single subscription through the Subscription Detail page, see Archive or Cancel Single Subscriptions from the CTT Platform.
To make edits to a single subscription, see Add or Change Subscription Details: Description Name, Tags, Contracted ETA & ETD Dates and Move a Shipment Subscription to a Different Sub-account.
Batch Archive Subscriptions
Use the CTT Platform's bulk archive capabilities to remove shipment(s) from the subscription list and remove all related containers from the Container Directory. Tracking data collected for the selected subscription(s) will be included in the analysis dashboard and statistics, even when archived.
If you prefer to delete all containers associated with selected subscription(s) and delete all tracking data collected for the associated containers, use the CTT Platform's bulk cancel workflow.
To archive multiple subscriptions in the Subscription Directory,
- Check the checkbox next to each subscription you want to archive.
- Click the edit button to the left of the search bar.
- Click Archive.
- Click OK in the pop-up window to confirm archiving the selected subscriptions.
Batch Edit Subscriptions
Use the CTT Platform's bulk editing capabilities to change the description, tags, subaccount, or contracted ETA for multiple subscriptions. To change or add information linked to a single subscription, you can also click on the respective subscription reference number and edit the data on the Subscription Detail page of the selected subscription.
To edit multiple subscriptions in the Subscription Directory,
- Check the checkbox next to each subscription you want to edit.
- Click the edit button to the left of the search bar.
- Click Edit.
- Enter a new description, add tag, or move subscriptions to another subaccount.
- Set a description to overwrite existing descriptions with the new entry or fully remove existing descriptions.
- Add tags to subscriptions without overwriting existing tags or remove all tags linked to the selected subscriptions.
- Move all selected subscriptions to another subaccount.
- Set your contracted ETA dates for the selected subscriptions.
- Click OK to confirm the changes.
Batch Cancel Subscriptions
Use the CTT Platform's bulk cancel capabilities to delete all containers associated with selected subscription(s). The tracking data collected for the containers associated with the selected subscription(s) will be deleted from the analysis dashboard and statistics.
If you prefer to remove shipment(s) from the subscription list and all related containers from the Container Directory while maintaining the tracking data collected for the selected subscription(s) so they will be included in the analysis dashboard and statistics, even when archived, use the CTT Platform's bulk archive workflow.
To cancel multiple subscriptions in the Subscription Directory,
- Check the checkbox next to each subscription you want to cancel.
- Click the edit button to the left of the search bar.
- Click Cancel.
- Click OK in the pop-up window to confirm canceling the selected subscriptions.