Manage Shared Container Detail Links
Generate a hyperlink to share the progress of a container with third party users. This feature gives outside users limited access to a specific container without having to log in.
When third party viewers use the link, they will be shown a modified Container Detail page: all confidential information (tags, descriptions, and link to the associated subscription BL or booking number) will be excluded and the third party uses will not be able to access any information outside of the shared page.
Sharing can be revoked and renewed at any time. Share links expire twenty days after the container's lifecycle is completed.
To grant third party uses access to all containers that belong to a BL or BN, share the entire subscription.
Share a Container Detail Page
- Log in to the CTT Platform.
- Open the container's Container Detail page.
- Click the Share this container button.
- To share
- Click the mail icon to email a shared link to third party users through your email client.
- Click the copy icon to copy the shared link to your clipboard.
- Click the mail icon to email a shared link to third party users through your email client.
Revoke Sharing
Click the Revoke sharing button to make any shared links invalid to third party users.
Renew Sharing
Click the Renew sharing button to allow sharing after sharing was revoked.
View and Manage Shared Links
Find an overview of all links shared with third party users in the Shared containers menu.
- Click on your user icon in the top right.
- Click Shared containers.
- Find a list of shared links for containers and shipments. The most recently shared links will be at the top of the table.
This table also includes:
- The link's current sharing status (active, revoked, expired).
- Who generated the shared link.
- When the link was generated.
- Toggle on the include expired parameter to include expired links in the table.
The icon to the left side of the reference numbers indicates whether the shared link relates to a single container or to an entire subscription