Add an Inventory Quick View
To add an Inventory Quick view to the Dashboard,
1. On the Dashboard, click CONFIGURE THIS PAGE.
2. Click the ADD QUICK VIEW button.
The drop-down menu appears:

3. Click Inventory.
The Quick View Setup opens, displaying the Subtotal page.

4. For the Hazard Classes, you can type a Hazard class in the field.

5. For the Inventory Identifiers, select a Category from the drop-down list: Department, Sub Department, Category, Group, Family, Vendor, Manufacturer, Promotion.

Once a Category is selected, type a value in the Inventory Identifier Values field.

6. Click NEXT.
The Total Configuration page appears:

7. (This step is optional. To skip this step, click SKIP.) Refine the results further. Click NEXT.
The Title & Settings page appears:

8. In the TITLE field, type a title for the Quick View.
9. Select the NUMBER FORMAT: Count or Percentage.
10. Adjust the settings in the HEALTH SCORE to indicate the Health Ranges of performance defined either as a Percentage of Total or Subtotal Count (Excellent, Acceptable, Concerning, Problematic).

11. Click SAVE & FINISH.
The new Quick View appears on the Configure page:

12. Click UPDATE.
The new Orders Quick View appears on the Dashboard: