Add an Orders Quick View
To add an Orders Quick View to the Dashboard,
1. On the Dashboard, click CONFIGURE THIS PAGE.
2. Click ADD QUICK VIEW. The drop-down menu appears:
3. Click Orders. The Quick View Setup opens, displaying the Subtotal page:
The following filters can be set:
Order Type
Date Ranges
Additional Order IDs
3. Click the Down Arrow to view the options for each filter.
4. For Order Type, the options are: Sales, Purchase, Advanced Shipment, or Warehouse Movement.
5. For Order Status, you can choose Submitted, Received, Processing, Accepted, Fulfilled, Rejected, or Canceled.
6. For Date Ranges, you can set one or more of the following: Order Submission Date, Supplier Ready Date, or Original Delivery Date.
Each drop-down list for the Date fields contains these choices: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, and Custom Date Range.
Selecting Custom Date Range opens a Calendar from which you can select specific dates.
7. For Location, you can choose Origin, Destination, Vendor, or Bill To.
8. For Additional Order IDs, you can choose Contract, Manufacturer, Season, Promotion, or Vendor.
9. For Tags, you can choose Analyst, Category, Department, Director, Family, Group, Manager, or Sector.
10. For Transportation, there are two filters:
Shipment Associated (All, Yes, No)
Order Delivery Status (On Time, Early, Late, Unknown)
11. Once all the filtering criteria have been selected, click NEXT.
The Total Configuration page appears:
12. (This step is optional. To skip this step, click SKIP.) Refine the results further. Click NEXT.
The Title & Settings page appears:
13. In the TITLE field, type a title for the Quick View.
14. Select the NUMBER FORMAT: Count or Percentage.
15. Adjust the settings in the HEALTH SCORE to indicate the Health Ranges of performance defined either as a Percentage of Total or Subtotal Count (Excellent, Acceptable, Concerning, Problematic).
16. Click SAVE & FINISH. The new Quick View appears on the Configure page:
17. Click UPDATE.
The new Orders Quick View appears on the Dashboard: