The Dashboard is the main page of the Visibility Operations Center (VOC). It contains Quick Views and a World Map.
The Quick View tiles display the total number of shipments in progress and several default Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):
Last Free Day
Running Late
Out for Delivery
Demurrage Risk
Pending Approval
You can perform the following functions with the tiles:
Clicking CONFIGURE THIS PAGE enables you to customize the Quick Views.
Clicking VIEW ALL opens the Shipments Tracking page, displaying a list of all active shipments.
Clicking a Quick View tile opens the Shipments Tracking page, displaying a list of the shipments that fit the criteria defined for that tile.
Below the Quick View tiles is an interactive map showing the locations of Active Shipments and whether they are ON-TIME, RUNNING LATE, or RUNNING EARLY.
Clicking on a shipment marker opens a pop-up window that displays the shipment’s Bill of Lading number, Origin, and Destination.
To view the details of the shipment, click the VIEW button in the pop-up window. The Shipment Details page opens.