Add a Shipment for Tracking
To add a shipment for tracking,
1. On the Shipments Tracking page, click ADD SHIPMENT.
The New Shipment pop-up window appears:
2. Enter the Carrier Information.
Carrier Type — SCAC, MC, or DOT
Carrier ID field
3. Click NEXT.
4. Enter the Shipment Information: either BOL Number of Order Number.
5. Click NEXT.
6. Enter the Pickup information.
Pickup Window — Date and timespan for the pickup to occur.
Contact Information — This is optional.
7. Click NEXT.
8. Enter the Delivery information.
Delivery Window — Date and timespan for the pickup to occur.
Contact Information — This is optional.
9. Click NEXT.
The Summary page appears.
10. Click SUBMIT.
The shipment is added to tracking and the Shipments List page appears.