Considerations That May Affect User Experiences with DriveView
Operation System Restrictions
Android and iOS are constantly evolving their operating system (OS) functions to protect user privacy and phone performance. These OS updates may affect the frequency of location updates the project44 system can push. Our application responds to these restrictions with various strategies to fulfill the primary use case of tracking. Please see our release notes for updates.
Location Services
project44 DriveView relies on locations services being enabled. If the driver disables those location services for their entire device or the DriveView application, the system will not send tracking updates. The optimal location setting is “Always”, however, please note that project44 only records location during active loads. It is also required to enable precise locations on iOS so we have more accurate geofence pings during active loads.
Low Battery (Low Power Mode)
Battery saving mode behavior varies across iOS and Android, but in most cases, it will reduce location updates, which limits our ability to send location pings in the background.
To ensure DriveView is able to send updates, please turn off battery saving mode.
Lack of Connectivity
Connectivity will affect the timeliness a location update is received. If a phone goes out of range, project44 DriveView stores location updates on the phone and transmits the cached data once connectivity is regained.
Lack of Motion
Mobile devices have a deep sleep mode in order to significantly save battery power. Several factors play into device sleep mode, but this state can affect user experience as sleep mode aggressively kills background services. When used in the intended use case, significant location changes and gyroscope motions should keep the phone awake.