View Fleet
To view your fleet, click the Fleet tab.
The Fleet page appears.
This page displays the Fleet Overview and any Inactive Assets.
The Fleet Overview lists the vehicles in your fleet along with information about each vehicle.
Asset Type: Truck or Trailer
License Plate: License plate number
Last Position Update: Date and time of the last position update. This is the last moment at which project44 received a signal from a given license plate.
Sharing Type
Activity: Active or Inactive. This status is what is shared from the GPS account, so only your GPS provider can re-activate your license plate or add new ones.
To download the data for either Active or Inactive vehicles click the Export View to XLS button.
To do a License Plate Check, click the LICENSE PLATE CHECK button.
Assets may not appear in the NMC when they are not sending signal (e.g. when being parked).