Upload POD for a Stop
This page is meant for drivers/carriers using the DriveView Mobile Application to upload images of load documents (like Proof of Delivery (POD)). Information on how uploaded or deleted images appear in Movement for the customer is also included in this article.
Add one to many images for POD to one or many stops. Before uploading a document, ensure you have DriveView installed to your mobile device.
Find the load in DriveView.
Tap Add proof of delivery for the relevant stop.
Tap either Take a photo or Choose from Gallery.
If you tap Take a photo, the camera on your mobile device will open.
Take a picture of the document.
You will see options to edit and crop the photo. If necessary, you can retake the photo.
Once you have your picture, tap Choose.
If you tap Choose from Gallery, you will upload an image from your mobile device's photo gallery.
Tap Recents to find your recently taken images.
Select the image you want to upload.
The picture will be uploaded to the specified stop.
Any images uploaded through DriveView can be viewed by the shipper in Movement, under the same stop as it has been uploaded for.
To upload an additional document for a stop that already has a document uploaded. Follow the same steps as above.
You will be able to see multiple images for the same stop.
The addition of this second image can be viewed by the shipper in Movement, under the same stop as it has been uploaded for.
The addition of this image to the second stop will be reflected in Movement for the shipper.
To delete an uploaded document for a stop,
Tap on the thumbnail image you want to delete.
Tap Delete.
Tap Yes, delete image to confirm the deletion.
The image is removed from DriveView.
Any image deletions made through DriveView will be reflected in Movement for the shipper. Image deletion events are listed under the stop an image has been deleted from. When an image is deleted, the "Document Add" event text will still be listed under the stop, but the thumbnail associated with that event will not be listed.