Add a Facility to the Map Dashboard
Create and manage virtual boundaries (geofences) to represent entire sites, buildings, dock zones, gates, parking locations, and shunts.
Sites are created and managed in the Map Builder tool. To access Map Builder, click Facility > Map Builder.
To add a site in Map Builder,
Click +Add.
Enter information for the site.
Type. Indicates if the site is a Warehouse, Parking location, or Gate Only location.
Sub Location. Refers to any Building, Dock Zone, Gate, Parking, or Shunt on the site. Select all location types relevant for that site. You will configure each of these as part of the site creation process.
Add a geofence with the Draw tool.
Click Save.
The site's geofence is now visible in the map. You can now create any locations for the site (based on the Sub Location types you selected during site creation).
You can only create a building if you included Building as a Sub Location type during site creation.
To create a building at a site,
You can only create a gate if you included Gate as a Sub Location type during site creation.
To create a gate at a site,
You can only create a gate if you included Parking Zone as a Sub Location type during site creation.
To create a parking zone at a site,
You can only create a gate if you included Dock Zone as a Sub Location type during site creation.
Before you can create a dock zone in Map Builder, you must first create the dock groups for the site. This is done on the dock zone configuration page. To navigate to the dock zone configuration page, click Dock > Configuration > Dock Group.
To create a dock zone at the site,
Click Dock Zone.
Click +Add.
Enter information for the Dock Zone.
Dock Groups are configured in Dock Configuration.
Location Prefix will be the prefix for the dock door in that dock zone.
Starting Location is the number of the first dock door. In this case, it is 1.
No. of Locations is the number of dock doors in this dock zone.
Split is how the Increments will be split within the dock zone.
Width and Height of the space is set to 60 ft and 14 ft, respectively, by default.
Click Preview to preview the dock zone configuration on the map. Adjust the dock zone so it fits your site.
Click Save.
The dock zone's geofence is now visible in the map.
You can only create a gate if you included Shunt as a Sub Location type during site creation.
To create a shunt at the site,