TST Overland Express - OVLD
TST Overland Express API Authentication Requirements
- TST Overland Express Username
- TST Overland Express Password
- Company Authorization: b98745fqMwb582c70353mtxy4a35c8vm3
- Company Code (provided by TST Overland Express)
- Tariff Code (if applicable)
The required credentials are listed above. Please contact your TST Overland Express representative if you need access to those credentials.
Uploading API Credentials
Load your organization's credentials into the project44 Capacity Provider Accounts portal. For help with the process, see Carrier Credentials Help.
- Login = TST Username
- Password = TST Password
- Company Authorization = b98745fqMwb582c70353mtxy4a35c8vm3
- Company Code = Provided by TST
- Tariff Code = Provided by TST (if applicable)
- Payment
- Direction