Ward Trucking - WARD
Gathering API Credentials
To start, you'll need the following:
- Ward Trucking Website Username
- Ward Trucking Website Password
API Authentication Requirements
- Ward Trucking Account Number
*Requires additional steps: See below*
Step-by Step Instructions - LTL
1. Navigate to www.wardtlc.com. Click on Customer Sign in.
2. Enter Ward login credentials. If you do not have access to these login credentials, please reach out to a Ward representative.
3. Click Rate Quote under LTL Quick Tools.
4. Select account from Account Selection dropdown menu. This will be the account number you enter on the p44 Capacity Provider Accounts screen.
5. After you've obtained your API credentials, the final step is letting your account rep know which IP addresses to whitelist. The IP addresses to whitelist are below:
Uploading API Credentials
Load your organization's credentials into the project44 Capacity Provider Accounts portal. For help with the process, see Carrier Credentials Help.
- Customer # = Ward Account Number