Wave Unloading
The wave unloading feature allows the creation of Unloading Waves. Unloading Wave(s) consist of shipments/trailers that have a status of loaded and are in the yard. These shipments/trailers are scheduled to get moved to a dock door for unloading. The wave unloading task engine will create move tasks (to available dock doors) automatically based on the wave details.
View and download information about wave unloads on the Wave Unloading page. To access the wave unloading list, click Task > Wave Unloading.
On the Wave Unloading page, you can,
View the shipments in a Wave
Download a CSV file of information for the wave
1 |
Site tab |
Click on the site's tab to view wave loads for a specific site. Click Add Site to add wave loads for more sites. |
2 |
Filters |
Filter waves by Start Date, Status (OPEN, STARTED, COMPLETED), Wave #, and/or Shipment #. |
3 |
Search bar |
Search for waves by wave number, shipment number, filter, or dock door. You must use at least three (3) characters for the search. |
4 |
Wave Load list |
View all waves loads for a site. |
5 |
Wave details |
Click on a Wave # to view shipment information for that wave. |
6 |
Action Button |
Start Wave - Stop Wave |
To view the shipments in a wave,
Click on the wave number.
This opens the Wave Details window. Here, you can find information for the shipments in the wave.
- If the shipment was processed (assigned a move task) successfully, then the status of the shipment is set to ‘Processed’.
- If the task engine was not able to create a move task due to a validation issue, then the status of the task will remain ‘Open’ and a validation icon will display next to the shipment number. To view the validation issue, hover over the icon and a tool tip will display with the description of the validation issue.
To download wave information,
Click on the wave number to view the Wave Details.
Click the CSV DOWNLOAD button.
Find the CSV in your downloads.
Manage a Wave
Start Wave - UI
- From the Wave Unloading screen
- Select the ‘Start’ button on the right side of the screen – per Wave. Once the Wave has started, the button will update to ‘Stop’
Once the wave has started, the task engine will automatically create move tasks on shipments. This will be based on the wave sequence. If the task creation is unsuccessful due to an error (example- Dock Door validation), the task engine will retry every 2 minutes until all shipments have been processed.
Start Wave - API
- POST - /v1/developer/shipment/wave-event
Field | Required | Type | Description |
wave_id | yes | String | The identifier of the wave start |
action | yes | String | use “begin” |
- Please refer to the ‘Wave Loading/Unloading – API Specification’ for more information
End Wave – UI
From the Wave Unloading screen
- Select the ‘Stop Wave’ button on the right side of the screen – per Wave
If the wave still has an open shipment, then the button will update to ‘Start Wave’. If all shipments within the wave have been assigned, then the status of the wave will update to ‘Complete’.
End Wave – API
- POST - /v1/developer/shipment/wave-event
Field | Required | Type | Description |
wave_id | yes | String | The identifier of the wave start |
action | yes | String | use “end” |
- Please refer to the ‘Wave Loading/Unloading – API Specification’ for more information.
- The wave will update to a ‘Stop’ status if there are open tasks. If all tasks are processed, the then wave will update to a ‘Complete’ status.
Cancel/Delete a Wave
- The wave should be in an created (open) state to be cancelled. Waves that are in Processing or Processed state cannot be cancelled.
- A wave can only be cancelled from the API
- DELETE - /v1/developer/shipment/wave-event/{wave_id}
- Example:
- /v1/developer/shipment/wave-event/wave20230227
- /v1/developer/shipment/wave-event/wave%201%2020230227
Create a wave for unloading.
- Currently, the YMS application supports API integration to create a Wave. Please refer to the ‘Wave Loading/Unloading – API spec.
Updating a Wave
- This request is the same as the Create Wave request. If a new request with same wave name is requested, then we just overwrite the existing shipment details with the new shipment details.
Allowed Shipment Statuses
- Waves can contain shipments that are either open or arrived statuses on create.
- Only shipments with status ‘Arrived’ will be processed by the task engine on wave start.
Wave Type
- Upon creation of a wave for unloading, the default type is “inbound”, applicable only for delivery shipments.
- If no type is specified, it will be considered as wave loading.
Load Type Validations
- Only the drop load type is considered valid for processing. This is because live trailers involve more ad hoc operations as the driver stays with the vehicle.
Dock Door Validations
- Each shipment in the wave must have a dock door specified at the time of wave creation.
- Appropriate reason codes will be recorded for each shipment based on the following cases:
- Dock door is not available.
- Wave is not enabled for the dock door.
- Shipment is not valid for automation.
- Dock door is already assigned to another trailer.