Shipment Details Page Basics
Get the full story and take action more efficiently with our Shipment Details page. There are four main areas of this page:
- Shipment Health (Left Column)
- Activity (Middle Column)
- Shipment Details (Right Column)
Shipment Health: Status and Cases
The left column shows you the overall status of your shipment. You will find:
- Tracking Information
- Latest Status
- Latest Exceptions
- Cases
To read more about statuses in Convey, visit Convey Statuses & Exception Types.
To read more about using cases, visit Workflows With Cases.
Activity: Posting Messages, Notes and Attachments
The middle column is packed full of action. It provides various ways to take action and then displays all of those events in a single timeline.
There are 4 types of actions that can be taken at the top of the activity feed section on Shipment Details:
- Case Messages
- Notes
- Consumer Alert
- File Attachments
Case Messages
Click the Case Message icon at the top of the activity feed to display the Case Message form. Type of message (600 characters or less) and optionally, add any other email addresses in the ‘Recipients’ field that you would like to receive the message.
Click the Note icon to leave a note on the page. These are typically used to leave a paper trail for your internal team like describing actions you took outside of Convey. No one receives a notification when Notes are posted.
Consumer Alerts
Click the Consumer Alert icon to send a Consumer a message based on how they’ve subscribed or input a new email address. You can also post the message to the top of their Convey Tracking Page.
Attach Files
Proof of Delivery contracts or photos of damages can be incredibly helpful when working to get a customer experience back on track. Click the paperclip icon to post a file on the shipment any time or click the paperclip icon when posting a case message to associate it with a particular case.
The All-In-One Activity Feed
Instead of piecing together various timelines, activities and tracking events, we’ve consolidated them into one full story for you, which we call Activity Feed. These events include:
- Attachments
- Cases (messages and modifications)
- Consumer Communication (alerts, feedback and subscriptions)
- Notes
- Tracking (carrier events and Convey ones too!)
Events are ordered by the date they were created in Convey’s system.
Filtering the Activity Feed
Are you only wanting to view specific types of events in the feed? Use the filter at the top of the activity feed to only show what you want to see in the moment. This is especially helpful when you're trying to read case message threads.
Shipment Details Reference
This far right panel includes more specific information about the shipment, including:
- Shipment Identifiers
- Origin and Destination Locations
- Milestones
- Service Level
- Terminal Information
- And more…