Create an Access Group
Give a subset of users at your company access to specific shipments in Movement with Access Groups.
If users are not assigned to an Access Group, they will either:
See all shipments, if no Access Groups have been created for an account.
See only shipments visible to Default Access Group members, if Access Groups have been created for an account.
New users added to your organization are automatically added as members of Default Access Groups. You can create up to five Default Access Groups for your company's account.
As a System Administrator user, create Access Groups for your company's account.
Click Create group.
Name the Access Group.
Optional: Check Default. If checked, any new users to your organization will be added to the Default Access Group. You can have up to five Default Access Groups.
Create the Rule for the Access Group. The Access Group Rule is a set of conditions that determine what subset of shipments members of an Access Group can view. Conditions can be based on Reference Keys, Carriers, Route information, or Modes. Click Add condition to apply multiple conditions.
As you apply conditions, a preview table populates with the relevant shipments visible to the Access Group.
Click Save.
The Successfully created message appears, and the new Access Group details drawer opens. Here, you can view the Access Group Name and the Rule applied to the Access Group.
Click Add members to add members to the Access Group.
Click Done to save added members.
Access Group creation is now complete.
Click Preview shipments to view the shipments visible to the access group. This can only be done when ~95% of shipments are matched. It may take more time for shipments to match on the group depending on the number of shipments in the account.
Possible errors during Access Group creation include:
Duplicate Name Error - The group name already exists. Search for the Access Group in the main table.
Required Field Error - All required fields must be completed to successfully create the Access Group.
System Error - Access Group creation failed because of a project44 system issue. Try again. If you still cannot create the Access Group, contact project44 Support.
Maximum Default Access Groups Reached Error - You can have up to five Default Access Groups. To move forward, either:
1. Create the group without making it default.
2. Create the group, find another default group and unassign it, then come back and edit this group to make it default.
This error is rare and will only be seen if two System Administrator users are trying to save a fifth default access group at the same time.