Creating Cases Automatically With Shipment Rules
Finally, a workflow for Customer Care and Logistics team to help proactively communicate on delivery experience issues that are plaguing your customers. In this article, we will cover how to configure Convey to create cases automatically about the delivery experience issues you care about.
Note: Only users with the Account Admin user role can access the Shipment Rules configuration.
Accessing Shipment Rules
You can access the Admin Settings from the dropdown under your Profile icon. The Shipment Rules are on the left hand navigation.
New Shipment Rule
Step 1 of 2: Create Rule
Select filters to determine which shipments should automatically create a case. You can name the rule and select which case type will be assigned to these new cases. Click continue when you are satisfied with your Shipment Rule preferences.
Step 2 of 2: Review & Enable
Next you will see a preview of how many cases we estimate will be created based on the filters you have selected. This is calculated using historical data and displays how many would have been created the past 7 days. If you're ready, you can click to enable your rule, or you can save it without enabling it, and enable it at a later time.
Rule Management
Each of your rules will display as a card, which you can toggle to Enable or Disable. You’ll also see information about who updated the rule last and when, and how many times this rule triggered a case in the last 7 days. You can edit or delete any of these rules.
You can reorder the priority of these rules by clicking the button and dragging the cards up and down. The order of these rules is important since we will only create a case for the highest priority rule that matches.
Auto-Created Cases on Shipment Details
When a case is created from a rule, it will show up on the left hand panel of your new Shipment Details view. You can get here from both the Shipments and Cases pages.
You can tell if a case was created by a Shipment Rules on the Shipment Details page, because it will display a special event in the Activity Feed.
The case will also be created by Convey in the case details section.