FAQs: LTL & VLTL Tracking
Do I need to initiate tracking if I already dispatched my shipment?
If your dispatch was done through project44, you do not need to initialize tracking. project44 will implicitly start tracking based on the data provided in the dispatch.
If you did not dispatch your shipment through project44, you will need to initialize tracking through project44’s Visibility Operations Center or API using POST: Start tracking an LTL shipment.
What fields are required when initializing a shipment for tracking?
The following fields are required for project44’s tracking API (POST: Start tracking an LTL shipment):
- Capacity provider account group code
- Shipment identifiers
Shipment stops information - Two stops must be provided: for the ‘ORIGIN’ and the ‘DESTINATION.’ Any ‘TERMINAL’ stops that are added will be ignored if provided as part of a PUT. The required information for each stop includes:
- Location address and contact information
- Appointment Window
When will my shipment start tracking?
The tracking job will start 90 minutes before the appointmentWindow.startDateTime. The tracking job will run for a given duration (designated with the startDateTime and endDateTime parameters), gathering updates from the carrier and reference numbers detailed in the API call.
When will my shipment stop tracking?
The tracking job will stop tracking 7 days after the appointmentWindow.endDateTime. This is to ensure any late deliveries are captured and any documents following the delivery are also processed into the project44 system.
How often are you retrieving shipment updates?
While the project44 tracking job is running for a particular carrier and reference number, project44 will continually check the carrier's API for status updates. The interval to check the carrier's system is every 15-30 minutes. Once the carrier response has been processed into the project44 system, it's available to be pushed or pulled to the customer's TMS.
How often is ETA calculated?
project44 continually checks the capacity provider's system every 15-30 minutes. If there is an update for the ETA calculated by the capacity provider, you can PULL the tracking update by using GET requests or have the information PUSHed to your TMS as it becomes available.
How is ETA calculated for LTL and VLTL shipments?
ETAs for LTL and VLTL shipments are provided by the capacity provider.
Do I have to PULL status updates, or will you PUSH them?
PUSH tracking, if configured, will automatically send the latest update and history together to the customer TMS in project44's format.
When trying to retrieve a status update, do I have to use the project44 ID?
You only need the project44 ID to PULL a status update when using the GET: Returns the status of an LTL shipment by unique system ID. Otherwise, you can use a shipment identifier (e.g. Bill of Lading, PRO Number) to PULL a shipment status update with the GET: Returns the status of an LTL shipment by identifier API request.
If I go the PUSH tracking route, how often will you PUSH me status updates?
A push will occur if any of these 3 conditions are met:
- Timestamp changes
- Shipment location changes
- Shipment status changes
While the project44 tracking job is running for a particular carrier and reference number, project44 will continually check the carrier's API for status updates. The interval to check the carrier's system is every 15-30 minutes.
With PUSH tracking, is the whole history PUSHed out?
Yes, the whole history will be available in the PUSH updates for tracking. The most recent shipment status update available will be listed under latestStatusUpdate, and all available shipment status updates will be listed under statusUpdates.
Can I receive all tracking updates through email notifications?
No. In order to receive all tracking updates, a webhook must be configured. Email notifications are reserved for specific events only. PUSH tracking webhooks are preconfigured at the tenant level for LTL and VLTL tracking. Please reach out to your project44 Implementation Team to set up basic authentication of your webhook if you have not already done so and would like to use PUSH tracking.
Why hasn’t my shipment started tracking?
There are a few potential reasons why a shipment loses tracking:
- Shipment identifier mismatch
- Carrier has not entered an update into their system of record
- Carrier has a connection issue with data feed coming to project44
Why are there pings in the VOC but not my TMS? (Or vice versa)
Potential Reasons:
- There is an issue with the project44 system.
- The webhook was set up incorrectly – this would explain seeing shipment information in the VOC and not in TMS.
Solution: For either of these situations, escalate the issue to project44 for support.
What updates can I make to LTL and VLTL shipments after the shipment has been dispatched and tracking has been initialized?
You only need to update a shipment when the carrier, time, or date has changed.
How do I make updates to LTL and VLTL shipments?
Use the PUT: Updates an LTL shipment request. This endpoint deletes the current shipment and creates a new shipment on which it will begin tracking. This updates how we track the shipment but will not affect the dispatch with the carrier. Note that you must pass the entire details for the shipment, just as you would on a POST.
Why is a carrier’s update frequency so low?
Carrier frequency could be low because for a couple reasons:
- If the carrier is sending in updates every 15 mins but the truck has not moved, project44 will not register that as a new update.
- The carrier can only receive 30 min updates from their tracking system. This is common if the carrier uses a MacroPoint solution.
This is not an error of the system.
How do I delete a shipment?
To delete a shipment with project44 API, use the DELETE: Delete shipment by ID API request.
Do I need a project44 ID to initialize a shipment for tracking?
No. The project44-generated ID for LTL and VLTL shipments may be provided when creating a tracked shipment only if a tracked shipment does not exist with this ID and a shipment record does exist in project44's system with this ID. This enables linking a dispatched shipment that initially failed to track to its tracking information by passing the ID from dispatch. This ID will always be returned in the shipment confirmation and may be used in subsequent API calls to reference a shipment.
How do you confirm delivery of my shipment?
The shipment status should read “DELIVERED.” If you are using the VOC, there should be an image of the Delivery Receipt on the Shipment Details page for that shipment.
How do I set up a webhook for PUSH notifications?
PUSH tracking webhooks are preconfigured at the tenant level in project44 for LTL and VLTL tracking. Please reach out to your implementation team to set up basic authentication of your webhook if you have not already done so and would like to use PUSH tracking.
How do I initialize tracking for a shipment?
Use the POST: Start tracking an LTL shipment API request or you can initiate tracking for a shipment in the VOC.
What time zone is used if I don’t provide a time zone for the appointment windows in the request?
The time zone of the stop location will be used if one is not specified.
How long does project44 track a shipment?
Tracking is initiated 90 minutes before the ORIGIN appointment window start time, and tracking is attempted for 7 days after the delivery date.
So, if you submit a shipment that’s scheduled to be picked up a week from today, we will not initiate the tracking until it is that day. If a shipment is submitted to us with an estimated delivery date of tomorrow, we’ll keep trying to track the shipment for 7 days after tomorrow.
What does this error message mean?
Error Message |
Explanation |
"Invalid Reference Number or Shipment Id provided, or tracking by ShipmentId or the provided Reference Number Type is not supported for this vendor." |
This error indicated that the identifiers provided are not valid for the carrier being tracked. This could mean that the carrier is returning an error advising that the identifier is not in their system, but typically a more specific error is mapped for that.
The most likely scenario is that the carrier does not support tracking by the provided identifier type. Some carriers may only track by BOL and PRO, so if a PO is provided only this error would populate because the carrier does not support tracking by PO via their API. Best steps are to provide additional identifiers or reach out to the carrier to obtain the Pro number.
"The received pro number is assigned for quote rate only." |
This error populates for carriers that utilize quote numbers as PRO numbers on shipments. This message indicates that the shipment is not yet in the carrier system as a trackable PRO and still shows as a “RATE QUOTE ONLY!” This is done to not incorrectly begin tracking on a PRO that is not live. It is possible that the carrier may assign a new PRO to the shipment. If this error persists beyond the expected pickup window for a shipment, best steps are to reach out to carrier to obtain the live tracking PRO number.
“No information found for reference number.” |
This error populates when we have no tracking information tied to the supplied reference number and the carrier has not returned anything.
If this error persists beyond the expected pickup window for a shipment, best steps are to reach out to carrier to obtain the live tracking Pro number.
“No shipment identifier was provided that is supported by the capacity provider.” |
This error populates when the carrier does not support tracking by the provided identifier types. Some carriers may only track by BOL and PRO, so if a PO is provided only this error would populate because the carrier does not support tracking by PO via their API. Best steps are to provide additional identifiers or reach out to the carrier to obtain the Pro number.
How does project44 track a shipment?
project44 tracks LTL and VLTL shipments by their shipment identifiers. Valid shipment identifiers include PRO Number (“PRO_NUMBER”), Bill of Lading (“BILL_OF_LADING”), Customer Reference (“CUSTOMER_REFERENCE”), Pickup (“PICKUP”), or Purchase Order (“PURCHASE_ORDER”). While a PRO Number is returned in the dispatch response, project 44 tracks shipments by all these identifiers listed above.