About Appointment Manager
The Appointment Manager dashboard can be accessed through Movement, project44's Yard Management System (YMS), or a direct link.
To access Appointment Manager through Movement, click Appointments in the sidebar. This opens Appointment Manager in a new window in your browser.
To access Appointment Manager through the YMS, click Appointment Manager in the top menu. This opens Appointment Manager in a new window in your browser.
Access Appointment Manager directly through this link: yardaptm-na12.voc.project44.com/schedule.
Appointment Manager is made up of five (5) dashboards: Calendar View, Table (List) View, Manual Booking, Operation Templates, and Reports.
In Calendar View, you can view dock section appointments and schedules for different facilities.
Select the date in the calendar to jump to the section schedule and appointments for that day.
Click the Gear icon to quickly jump between Schedule View and Edit Schedule view, change grid size of the Calendar View, and change the information displayed for the slot appointment.
View appointments by Location, Carriers, or Activity Type.
Click BOOK SHIPMENT to manually book an appointment for a new shipment.
In Table (List) View, you can view a list of booked shipments, their milestones and statuses, and other information.
Filter shipments by Slot Status, Location, Carrier, Section, Activity Type, and more.
Click on the shipment's progress bar to manage shipment milestones and statuses.
Click on BOOK SHIPMENT to manually book an appointment for a new shipment.
Click EXPORT TO CSV to download a spreadsheet of the List View information.
Click on the Gear icon to rearrange or hide columns in the shipment table.
In the Manual Booking view, you can view a list of unbooked shipments and book a slot for each shipment.
Filter shipments by Slot Location, Activity Type, Carrier, and more.
Click BOOK SHIPMENT to add and book a shipment not listed in the table.
Use the Gear icon to rearrange or hide table columns.
Click BOOK SLOT to book an appointment for the shipment.
With Operation Templates, you can create and edit the dock section schedule for all sites and for specific date ranges.
Click NEW TEMPLATE to create a new dock section schedule for a site.
The Reports view includes analytics on appointment use and availability.
The Appointment Utilization report shows the number of appointments scheduled versus the number of open slots.
The Appointment Availability report shows the number of available or booked appointments for each site and when they are scheduled to occur.
The Missed Appointments report shows data on the missed appointments by site, date, and carrier.