Configure the Gate Console Summary Bar
User Access Note
Only Administrator users, or users with Manage access, can make changes to configurations settings.
Choose the information to display in the summary bar in the Gate Console.
To change the information displayed in the Gate Console summary bar,
Open Gate > Configuration > Gate Config.
Select the site.
Click the checkbox next to each data item you want displayed in the Gate Console summary bar.
Expected Delivery shows the number of deliveries with gate appointments.
Expected Pickup shows the number of pickups with gate appointments.
Dock Capacity shows the number of available dock doors available over the total dock doors for the site.
Drop Spaces shows the number of drop spaces available over the total drop spaces for the site.
Live Spaces shows the number of live spaces available over the total live spaces for the site.
Click Save Configuration at the bottom of the page. This button will look different depending on if you have the TRAILER, VEHICLE, or ASSET tab open while making these changes.