Priority for Cases
Do you have a queue of cases and need to make sure the ones with the highest customer impact are resolved first? Of course! This can be accomplished by using our case priority label and creating workflows to easily surface them.
Changing the Priority for a Case
A case will be designated as Normal priority by default and can be changed to High priority by a user on the Shipment Details page (located in the cases section in the left column). Any user, shipper or carrier, with access to cases can update the Priority.
Finding Cases Based on Priority
The priority column and filter help users identify cases with high priority on the Case Management page. If you or your shipping partners are communicating on cases through email, we designate high priority in the messages as well.
Priority Column
The priority column displays a priority label of either Normal or High. This column can be reordered or shown/hidden based on your own account-wide preferences. You can find these preferences in your Account Settings for the Cases Table, which Account Admin Users have access to.
Priority Filter
The priority filter is a great way to create workflows to surface high priority cases. By creating saved views, users can focus attention on high impact issues first before other active cases.
Learn more about using saved views.
Priority Using Email
If you are collaborating with shipping partners who are using email to prioritize their cases rather than working in the Convey application, they can prioritize better too! Your partners can identify and create workflows using the email subject line and/or body content.
Priority in Email Subject Line
The email subject line is prefixed with [High Priority] if the case is labeled as high priority. There is no prefix if the case is labeled as normal priority.
E.g. [High Priority] New Case Message from Deerreed Co. | CVOKJ56K | Pickup Scheduling
Priority in the Email Body Content
The body content begins with a title declaring the user who the case message is from and it prefixed with High Priority Case from if the case is labeled as high priority. There is no prefix if the case is labeled as normal priority.
E.g. High Priority Case from Dan Bebout (Deerreed Co.)