Case Notification Configurations
Collaborator Email Addresses
If there is no Case Owner for a particular Case and a new Case Message is posted, we want to ensure someone is notified. This is the purpose of Shipper and Carrier Collaborator Email Addresses. It's important to note that these settings are collaborative! This means that they are shared between you and your Case Collaborators. Both shippers and carriers have the ability to update the Collaborator Email Addresses associated with their account.
Setting Up Collaborator Email Addresses: A Guide for Shippers
- Click on the user icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
- Choose the option for Admin Settings in the menu. You should arrive on the Case Notifications page.
- In the Collaborator Email Addresses section, fill in your shipper email address for each carrier. This should be the email address at your organization where you want to receive messages for each carrier. This could be the same email address or a different one for each. When you input the address into the field, it will automatically save.
- Next, complete the carrier email address fields. These are the email addresses at each of your carriers, where you would normally send an email for support with a delivery issue. This email may be specific to your business or a general support email address.
Setting Up Collaborator Email Addresses: A Guide for Carriers
- Click on the user icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
- Choose the option for Admin Settings in the menu.
- In the Collaborator Email Addresses section, fill in the shipper email address for each shipper. These are the email addresses at each of your shippers, where you would normally send an email for support with a delivery issue. When you input the address into the field, it will automatically save.
- Next, complete the carrier email address fields. This should be the email address at your organization where you want to receive messages from each shipper. This could be the same email address or a different one for each.
- Account Email Notifications
- New message notifications are on by default and sent if there is a new message on a Case with no Case Owner. If an account does not want to receive new Case messages in their general inbox, they can unsubscribe in their admin settings. The email address is defined in the Admin Settings page in the Collaborator Email Addresses section.
User Email Notifications
New message notifications are on by default. If a user does not want to receive email notifications about new case messages, they can unsubscribe in their user profile.